Sunday, July 29, 2012


can happy eat together.break fast together.laughing together.without any guilty on you.after what u did to me.kejam.that is only word that suit for you.after what i had sacrified for u.u leave me for someone else.she should be proud because of that.u treat me like i dont have a family.listen and look.i still having them.if i tell them what is actually happend if if.but i dont want it to happend.but you,be gentleman.u can ask for'perpisahan' but do not give such an idiot stupid reason.just say'saya ad gf lain,sy dah tak da apa2 perasaan kt awk,sy dh bosan dgn awk blah blah blahh..'kan lagi gentleman.kita semua ni dah full with sin,jgn tambahkan lagi.penipuan yang kau buat kat aku dh tak terjwp,tak tertipu,tak terkawal lagi dah.terpulangla.i know,am not that good.tapi dia khianati saya,dia menipu sy,ambil kesempatan kt sy.please ingat 1 hal.aku masih ada keluarga yg boleh protect aku.klau kau cerita kat kakak kau,kakak kau boleh sound2 ak balik,aku pun ada abg.abg kandung aku.darah daging aku.apa yg both of you buat kat saya mmg 1 penghinaan yg paling dasyat dlm hidup aku.insyaAllah,Allah akan balas dan makbulkan doa hamba yang teranaiya.aku tak kan berhenti berdoa.InsyaAllah...

Friday, July 27, 2012

i know that girl is you

i know u're the one with him right now.itulah yang paling menyakitkan.terima kasih.i meet u.i know u dear.yes.all happend was unplanned.yeah u're right.and i dont blame and will never blame u or him.all this happend because of me.i cant take a good care of him.i cant make him really in love with me.2 3 years with him is meaningless for him.but for me idk.whether to take it as a memorable one or not.its really hurting me girl.i think u understand my situation.this is my first time.mmg saya pernah bercinta seblum dgn dia.tapi itulah karma hidup ni.dulu saya tak hargai i got what i did to ur bf do not appreciate me even a single thing i did for him.tooo much thing happend between us.but i already keep it away from my mind and will never let people know.hopefuly he also can do the same thing.he's not my first love.but the way he loved me like he's my first not going to tell how he loved need.because now,he have u,u have him.past is past,over is over.he wanna marry u.Alhamdulillah.marry??Ya tears drop.he with another girl.honestly girl,i never imagine that our relationship end.sumpah atas nama Yang Kuasa.tapi kta manusia lemah.we can plan here there,but the one who decide is Allah.I do accept the fate that he's not meant for me.maybe he's meant for you.InsyaAllah.i just have one request dear Allah.bahagiakan dia bersama dengan perempuan yang dia pilih,iaitu perempuan itu yg pasti bukanlah aku.bersama dengan siapa pun,bahagia kan dia.. Amin.

you'are wrong.sorry girl

reading your blog made me feel something else.u're totally wrong my dear.i don't hate him.sounds stupid right eventhough he did  very bad things to me but am still cant hate him.why must i hate him?why must i feel disgusted with him?no need all that thing.we meet we knew in a good way,when broke off why must to hate to each other?no.that is not my not lying to myself.yeahh ofcourse it very hard for me so much.but what else i can do.he choosed u.i cant force him to love me back or idk maybe he never love me at all.if he did love me,he wont do this to me.if he still can think and recall what had i did to him,he wont soo easy forget me like that and treated me like a very dirty rubbish.maybe he can because he have u by his'll always by his side.not like me.i know that very well.u no worries my dear.i'll always pray to Allah hopefuly u can happy with him.i was happy with him.InsyaAllah.saya tak dapat nak jaga dia sebaik mungkin.hopefuly u can take a very good care of him.dont make him disappointed like what he did to me.sakit sangat.maybe u're the one that destined to be his wife,gf,friend.not me.last time,he said,thank you Allah for give me to u're the one for him.may Allah bless both of you.i wont never try to get him back.once i vomit and he vomit wont change anything.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

what we did Allah will pay

not her mistake.but his mistake.he wouldnt satisfy with what he got.he wouldnt satisfy with one girl with him.i never expect that this all fucking shit happend to me.yes.This is from first,very hard for me.everyday i cried.but what i got?nothing.he can laughing at me.happy when he leave me.he betrayed me Ya deeply.what else i should do dear Allah.everything i did for patient with all problems between does he act sometime make me feel like to run away from him.but i cant.i should leave him when i knew he cheated me.but am still gave him chance.he cried infront of me.his tears was so sincere.until the time he want to leave me also he cried too much.but idk,what does it meant by his tears?what make me so sad is when my friends call me,and they said'kenapa blh jd mcmni farah,ya Allah ak tak sangka,betul ke??'.. i could not hold my tears to drop.what can i say is we're not meant together.thats all..u know that am willing to do anything for u,but still u're looking flirting with others girls.what actually u want from me?if u dont want me anymore,what are u waiting for?just say it.what must u wait till i come to kl?i know.u may feel arghhh how a relief when u leave me.u can go on with ur gf.hope u'll happy with her.but u must know one thing that,u make me suffered,u tortured my day,u'll feel exactly like what i feel now.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


last time,i was telling the world that u're meant for me.u're the one for me.u're the best for me.u're everything to me.same goes to you.when everyday u said iloveyousomuch u can simply switch to other girl/gilrs.sometimes it remind me with all that things.can people imagine?no.nobody.we'll celebrate ur birthday no matter fucking shit all ur words.u're too easy making a promise.but to fulfill it.i never expect that i used harsh word to u.but now am totally cant control my emotion.last time i was sad,and still hoping that we can still rebuild our relationship.but now,even to hear ur name i cant.its not the thing that i hate'll never hate u.eventhg u treat me like a rubbish.yes u're.u treat me like a rubbish.i do forgive u.but the most important thing is to ask for forgiveness from Allah.not me.i got what i did.Allah pay me on this way.its hard.but i've to.u have to remember,u live u happy and all what u have now its not totally urs.what u did,u'll get back.

on my birthday

alhamdulillah.23.julai 2012,yesterday,am 20 years old already.not big enough.but can feel what is life all about.the sadness birthday far apart from my sis was the first person wish me.followed by  my classmates.fb's family.i miss them so much.i miss ipoh.i miss kampus.i know,at kampus it will remind me bout him.what make me feel sad??we just broke not even for a month.and he did not text me or wish could him do this to me??its toooo easy for him to forget me?i know.becuase he already have another since when idk.but one thing for sure,he just wait for a right time to tell me.and he choose when i reach kota damansara for my trainning.what a heaven.its fucking damn sad.but i faced it.maybe when he leave me,actually it is beginning of my life that is what my family and friends said.but for me,idk.yes.i want to think like that.but i wont lie to my self.not easy for me to get him rid from my mind.because he always in my mind for a several years!Ya Allah.i know,You know what is the best for us.InsyaAllah,i'll guide my ownself to be a better muslim also from my family.i dont need anybody yet,anybody else to guide me.only Allah and my family will always be my side.On my birthday,i wish,i could forget him.not to remember even a single thing we did together or whatsoever.that is my promise.first thing to do is,keep away all our pictures.InsyaAllah.Selamat ulangtahun kelahiran buat diri aku sendiri yang ke 20 tahun.Alhamduillah.

Monday, July 23, 2012

manusia paling kejam adalah engkau

salam bloggers.
dah masuk 3minggu aku macam org bodoh first,i really dont want to hate u.but today..i know the true colour of you guy!i was bersyukur sgt kat Allah.our relationship end here.yeahhh i was fucking sad.but not wanna tell the world that i hate u.u're such a useless guy i ever knew.ya Allah.he lied to me for a long time.i dont want to see you anymore.even to hear ur name i cant.yeahhh.i try my best.i was so stupid when i life end when u leave gila bodoh kan.actually,its a beginning of my life.u leave me just for a person u know for a month.hey you.Allah is Maha Besar,Maha Adil.u'll get what u did.i full with sin.i did sin.but my sin cant reach the sin that u did to me and also to others girls!no more tears will drop for a person like,u can happy with ur life.all your fucking promised to me i throw away,u can promise to ur new gf.i hope u can fulfill it to her.not like what u did to me.i was unfortunate.till now.i still keeping all our photos.but after i go back home,i'll throw it away.i dont want to keep a memories with a person like u.u said kononya tak kan lupa aku sampai kau mati.tolong la anggap aku tak pernah wujud.sepertimana ak nak anggap kau pun macam tu.terlalu byk ak sabar dengan kau.begitu jugak dgn kau kan.aku bersyukur.kononya 'u re the best i ever had'..go away.all that bullshit thing.tapi u know what,i cant hate u.but i'll forget u.i'll.u treated me like am ur only when u meet someone else that prettier.i should know u from ur face actually.i shouldnt accept u last time.its not ur was my mistake.Ya Allah.bukan berbulan aku dengan dia.just in a second he threw me like a dirty rubbish.swear.yeah truly say that i love you so much.till now am still thinking wheter u're ok or not.have u take ur meal or not.when i told my friend,they said dont be not like u,easy come easy go.i know.u treat girl so heaven.that is why they really in love with what u did to me too.i was like in a heaven when am with u.all ur words wont fade away from my mind.its too sweet.but i wont take it as a memorable.dont get me wrong.and one remember what people had done for you when u're in trouble.lastly.semoga awak bahagia dgn sesiapa saja yang akan bakal jadi pendamping hidup really2 accept that you're not meant for me...

Sunday, July 8, 2012

sudah cukup

tears.tears.tears.i hate it when it droped.but what can i do?your tears,oh my god,makes me wanna scream over!i cant see ur tears pelase.leave me,but do not crying infront of me.i cant handle it.u cried too much.its not the thing i judge u based on ur tears.but i know how u feel when u said it.i cant be selfish.ur responsiblities to her is more than me.i try to get it and to accept awak.mmg berat.berat sgt thing for sure is..even if i meet someone else,i dont think i can focus on him like what i did with YM,no GOOGLE WEBCAM..its just can remind me bout you.yeahh over is one side she so lucky for having u,but in the other side i dont know.i know,u can love them as much u love it possible for me to forget u?u said,sampai kiamat sy tak kan lupakan awk.insyaAllah.and alhamdulillah kalau benda tu betul2 jadi.hidup sy bukan mcm org lain.sepanjang kehidupan aku insyaAllh nak msuk 20 tahun ni,aku kehilangan 2 org yg sgt bermakna dalam hidup aku.on 2010,i lost my very best frend forever.when am losing her, u came to my life.Allah saja 2012, i lost u just because of ur mistakes.but we're human.always do mistakes.i know.i can feel that ur love to me before is very sincere.but what can we do.we're not meant together.this is our fate.i've to accept it.HAVE TO.we cant talk for this few days after what had happend.u need to have ur time same goes to me.

i let you

hello my blog.i miss you blog.people asked me to c'mon,start a new life farah.wake up.this is not the end of your life.yes i know.but i need time.i cant talk to other guy,go out with other guy just like that.ouhh since u are now single u can find a new bf?? not! ujian Allah kat aku terlalu berat,berat sangat.tapi aku tak berdaya apa2 selain dari berdoa redha.its over between us.thats all.aku kat sini,berjauhan dgn family atas tujuan utama iaitu PRAKTIKAL.mak abah, doakan aku selalu.itu pasti.insyaAllah setiap apa yang terjadi ada hikmah.AMIN....

Friday, July 6, 2012


bersujud berdoa agar dikuatkan hati dan ditambahkan iman di dada.semua yang berlaku pasti ada hikmah.dalam perhubungan yg serba happy, tapi setiap yg manusia rancang tak semestinya menjadi.yang menentukan hanya Allah S.W.T.yeahhh.mmg sakit gilaa tu Allah je yang tahu.klau iman takda kat dada mcm2 boleh jadi.mungkin dgn musibah dan dugaan yg Allah bg sebab Allah sayangkan hambanNya.InsyaAllah.